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About Eric Puente

Mr. Puente has successfully represented clients all across the United States, Mexico, and in every Federal District Court in the State of Texas. The effects a criminal conviction can have on individuals who are non-citizens of the United States can have profound impacts on their ability to remain in the country and their eligibility to enter or naturalize in the future. Mr. Puente understands the intricacies of both the criminal and immigration systems and how one affects the other.

Puente picture


Attorney Eric Puente is an experienced lawyer in criminal defense, immigration, and personal injury law. Mr. Puente speaks fluent Spanish and is a former prosecutor who served at the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office. He is a graduate of the University of Texas School of Law, where he earned the highest law degree awarded in the State of Texas, the Master of Laws, LL.M. He earned his Juris Doctor, J.D. from Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University.

He also studied international law at the City Law School, City University London, England. He graduated with honors from the University of North Texas, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and Criminal Justice, respectively. He also served honorably for eleven years in the United States Navy during Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.


State Bar Admission

  • Texas

Federal Bar Admissions

  • Texas Northern District
  • Texas Southern District
  • Texas Western District
  • Texas Eastern District


  • LL.M -University of Texas School of Law, Austin, TX
  • J.D. – Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University, Houston, TX
  • B.S. – University of North Texas, Denton, TX
  • B.A. – University of North Texas, Denton, TX
  • A.A. – Dallas County College, Dallas, TX

Professional Associations and Memberships

  • Dallas Bar Association
  • Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
  • Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
  • Past President of Mexican American Bar Association of Dallas

Past Employment Experience

  • Dallas County District Attorney’s Office

Eduardo Rendon


Eduardo “Eddie” Rendón grew up in South Texas and graduated from PSJA High School in San Juan, Texas. Eduardo Rendon went on to receive his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Texas at San Antonio and a law degree from Texas Southern University’s Thurgood Marshall School of Law. Eduardo Rendon received his Real Estate sales agent license in 2017 (inactive). Eduardo Rendon served in the U.S. Navy from 2002 through 2006 onboard the USS Samuel B. Roberts(FFG-58), during the Global War on Terrorism.
Eduardo Rendon started his legal career as a Prosecutor with the City of Austin, then was an Assistant District Attorney for Hidalgo County, Texas and finally as an Assistant City Attorney for City of McAllen. In private practice, Eduardo Rendon has also worked with an immigration and personal injury law firms before opening up his own law firm. Eduardo Rendon has experience in Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, Asset Forfeiture Defense, Real Estate, Estate Planning and Probate matters.
Eduardo Rendon’s understanding of Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, Asset Forfeiture Defense, Real Estate, Estate Planning and Probate law allows him to better serve his clients with their legal needs. Eduardo Rendon is passionate about his clients’ rights and is a zealous advocate for them.
Memberships and Admissions:

  • Dallas Bar Association
  • Hidalgo Bar Association
  • Texas Bar College
  • State Bar of Texas
  • Member of the Real Estate, Probate and Trust Law section of the State Bar of Texas
  • U.S. Military Veteran
  • Admitted to practice in Federal Court in the Northern District of Texas.

Haily Meza

Legal Assistant

A Dallas native who recently graduated from the University of North Texas with a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and a minor in Criminal Justice. She also holds a certificate in Latin & Mexican American Studies, reflecting her passion for cultural diversity. Haily is determined to pursue her dream of attending law school in 2024. Haily's academic achievements and dedication to her studies have laid a strong foundation for her future legal career. Her goal is to advocate for justice and equality, particularly for marginalized communities.
Outside of her academic pursuits, Haily enjoys staying active through Pilates and running. She also values the opportunity to experience different cultures through travel.
With her dedication and drive, Haily is poised to make a positive impact in the legal profession.


Enrique Cerrillo

Office Manager

Enrique is the Office Manager at Puente Law Firm PLLC. He is the point of contact for clients, vendors and other business representatives. Enrique oversees the firm’s operations, which includes billing, marketing, technology, human resources, financial and facilities management. Enrique works behind the scenes to support the firm’s practice. He is adept at wearing many hats and managing multiple stressors.
Enrique joined the firm after retiring from the US Air Force. He served over 20 years where he obtained lots of experience in management and leadership. His background comes with over 10 years of recruiting and Human Resources Management experience. There is a pattern of self-made success in Enrique’s story as he has demonstrated impressive results throughout his life and career. Enrique enjoys the challenges and rewards that come with the daily operations of an office. He ensures the firm is operating efficiently and successfully.

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